Thursday, July 11, 2013

My Golden Hour Self Portraits

I have been dying to do a photo shoot like this for awhile now.  I was going to create a flower band with Tiger lilies but they didn't look right with the ferns.  So I'm going to have to figure some else out for the Tiger lilies.  Anybody interested? :) Feel free to message me on my Facebook page!  

Anywho, I did my makeup inspired by the Tiger lily in oranges, purple and black and I made a head band out of two ferns.  I waited until golden hour to shoot.  Golden hour is the first hour of sunlight in the morning and the last hour of the sunlight in the evening.  It is a magically time, where the light is soft and gorgeous for a photo shoot.  

I haven't done a lot of shoots at the golden hour, so I wanted to experiment, plus I had just gotten my wireless remote for my camera!  So I wanted to test it out!  Here are the results.  Don't be shy, leave me a comment to tell me what you think.  

Oh and I played with different styles of editing photographs in Photoshop.  

This is my favorite one!  I love the affect of the lens I used, as well.  The background is all blurry and broken up into bokehs. Absolutely beautiful!  I need to use the lens more often.

I hope you enjoyed my pictures.  If you get a chance, check out my Facebook page:  
Like my page if you like my work please! 


Smidge Marie aka Sarah

Friday, July 5, 2013

Jack & Julianna

I had an amazing photo shoot at the end of June.  The lighting was not during the golden hour, but it was still early enough to be pretty softer light!  These two kids, Jack and Julianna, were FULL of energy.  I could barely get them to stand still, especially to pose together. They were so freaking cute!

I must say, though I am very happy with the photographs I got from this shoot.  I feel with every shoot I learn something new and keep improving!

Here is one of the first shots I got of the two together.  

Jack was busy staring at the water. 

Their dad had to kept reminding them not to go too far into the water.  They kept testing their boundaries! 

I wish the water was clearer for this photo.  But who cares about the water, look at the cute pose Julianna did for me!

I love the look on both of their faces for this photo.  
Julie: See what I put up with.  
Jack: LOOK!  LOOK!

Playground time!

After a couple of times of trying, I finally got Jack to listen and pose like this for me!  

Spur of the moment idea from the dad!

Little Julie finding the light again.


I am in LOVE with the photograph.  How cute!

I hope you enjoyed my pictures.  If you get a chance, check out my facebook page:  
Like it if you like my work please! 


Smidge Marie aka Sarah