Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Austin & Colin

Austin & Colin are two great kids from the Allentown area.  I struggled to get pictures of Colin smiling during the photo shoot.  I don't think you can really tell from the pictures though.  Austin is the older boy so obviously Colin in the younger one.  Austin was awesome to photograph, though I could tell by the end of our session, he was ready to play.  Both are adorable kids! 

This is Austin.  This was when we were trying to convince Colin to join him...not very successful...yet...

Yay! We got Colin into the photograph....we certainly didn't bribe him with candy or anything, if that's what you are thinking.... 

Almost a smile!

There we go!

This is certainly not a picture showing everybody how we bribed Austin to get his picture taken...  I think Amy went through two packs of candy and I don't even know how many popsicles! 

I was just dying to try this perspective out, I think it turned out pretty cool!

Look at those two, they are just precious! 

See the candy bribes worked really well.

I let the boys have some playtime so I could photograph them without them feeling like they are being photographed.  They had fun and relaxed, if you can't tell from the picture below.

After, they had play time, Colin had a lot more smiles for the camera.


I asked Austin to show me the tree he likes to play in.

At this point they were both ready to be done with me!

I fell in love with this picture of the boys eating their pops on the porch.

I hope you enjoyed my pictures.  If you get a chance, check out my facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/SmidgeMariePhotography  
Like it if you like my work please! 


Smidge Marie

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