Sunday, June 30, 2013

My Survey Contest!

Hello everybody! I hope you all are having a GREAT weekend! 

So, I have a favor to ask. I created a survey to help me better understand my clients needs and wants. Please take the time to fill out the survey I linked below. It is 10 questions. 

If I get at least 10 people to fill out this survey, I will randomly pick one person to receive a free portrait photo shoot, in which you will receive at least 15 edited images. 

*Disclaimer* I will not be traveling out of the state.  For this shoot I will expect you to come to Smidge Marie Photography or somewhere in the area of Smidge Marie Photography.  Thank you for your understanding!

Thank you for your time, consideration and feedback! 

Here is the link:

Thanks again!

~Smidge Marie

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