Thursday, June 13, 2013

Bailey's 1st & Mark's 30th birthday party

On June 1st, I photographed Bailey's FIRST birthday party.  She is a little cutie that I photographed back in December.  I was excited to shoot the party because it was a Minne Mouse theme.  And of course, because Bailey is so photogenic.

And here is the birthday girl, Bailey with her mom, Rebecca


Grammy & Bailey

The boys got too hot outside and decided to watch some cartoon in the AC.

Bailey in her birthday tent.

Oh, hi there!

These cookies were absolutely delicious! 

Rebecca & Mark

The two cakes for Bailey & Mark.  I'm such I don't need to tell you which is cake belongs to who.

These cupcakes well such a cute idea.


The handbands all of the girls wore at the party.  Some didn't stay on for very long at all!

Bailey was COVERED in cake after eating it.  

I got a bunch of nice pictures from this birthday party, but it was WAY too hot! I felt like I was melting!  

I hope you enjoyed my pictures.  If you get a chance, check out my facebook page:  
Like it if you like my work please! 


Smidge Marie

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